Personalised Cancer Coach

Welcome to Exploring
Your Individual Cancer to Wellness Growth Strategies

Welcome... is Judit here.

Our healthy body creates 38 millions  of new cells, every second. Trillions of cells in our body are designed to work together to serve our best health.


I did not want to feel helpless from my stage 3 cancer diagnosis and I don't want that for you either!


I like to say I overcame cancer or I grew out of cancer. I even like to think about taming cancer instead of fighting it. 

Cancer is not a battle to me. Battling is fear driven. Fear generates a victim mindset. 

In all ancient healing traditions, illness is an imbalance that you need to change and rebalance by addressing every aspect of your life to find root causes,  recreate health and prevent recurrence.  It is completely normal to feel fear and anxiety. As my medical protocol started to outline, I thought, there must be ways I can contribute to my health better than I did before. I chose self empowerment to advocate for myself.

Until your last breath you can do something to support your body terrain to uplift your immune system. However, keep living the same life as before the diagnosis, will likely increase the probability of recurrence or other chronic conditions. 


Featured on

The Driven Female Entrepreneur Podcast by Melitta Campbell - Breast Cancer Awareness Special

What I say about my cancer experience : the roller coaster of emotions, health continuum, consciousness, taking back power, mind-body connection and more at 21:43 - 32:35 minutes. 

Follow your passion Podcast hosted by Erwin Wils  - Judit Csapo

All about my story, my learnings about mindset, conquering the mountain, tips to overcome overwhelm, about coaching,  blind spots, consciousness, self awareness and more.


You, me and all humans are BIO-individuals. 

We are continuously changing, influenced by a myriad of aspects from past generations through childhood experience to what we think, feel and physically experience in this and every moment.


Have you guessed?

Serious illnesses may take years to build. Mine did too.

Bang!!  In September 2017, I found myself on a life-threatening roller coaster, I was diagnosed with a large malignant tumour.
I thought I was healthy. I went for checkups each year. Breast cancer. Stage III.  Who, me? Noooo !

It turns out, that our body shows the truth, our life’s internal imbalances build up in the background and show themselves as physical symptomes.



The worst came after my operation. It turned out my diagnosis changed to Stage III. Cancer. They talked to me about a plan for a 10 – 12 months chemo, radiotherapy and years of medication. I am an optimist., but in that moment my normally high level of energy evaporated.  I pictured my favourite aunty who died at the age of 47 - in the 1990s -, she couldn’t endure the chemo. In my perception.

I don’t think I ever felt as much fear as then, at that medical visit. How am I going to endure the weakness, what will happen to my family if I cannot endure, who is going to support me  ...


Reasons to live

At one point I was left alone in the room and a memory came to my mind talking to someone about me growing old. However, irrational it was, I pictured my old self – healthy - and thought YES, I will get old. I have so many reasons to live. How I will endure this treatment, what I need to do to become healthy, I don’t know yet, but I will find out.  Read more of my story here



Owning my health journey

From then on I chose to be open to learning, reflecting, helping myself to uplift  my health in all possible ways.  I wanted to go beyond outsourcing my health. I wanted to be empowered. I had a trusted medical team, but to trust in myelf was even more important! I started with a Mind - Body  Medicine course, I learned about nutrition, I searched for  experience exchange and sharing communities, I learned new mental and emotional healing methods, energy healing and was gradually open to explore what spirituality really means to me. I started to understand how much I was in need for more laughter, relaxation and self-care. It is ok to ask for and accept support.  It is enough to get through one day at a time and it is ok to feel ill, weak and the good moments are beautiful. I can conquer my mountain.



Believing in the possibilities of health mastery

These days I think of my health as a life long journey of „wellness”, beyond a destination of eliminating symptoms.

Now and then I was told I have a strong life instinct. I got to understand from science that our cells are designed to have a life instinct, they are designed to know their job and work together to serve our best health. Our whole body is a self-healing system of trillions of cells designed to be in balance. If we enable it to activate  that life instinct and a clean, functional order. Bit by bit I got to heal myself from many  issues that had piled up through the years.



Right after my operation – chemo - radiotherapy protocol I climbed the Breithorn Peak – one of the 4000 m plus peaks in Switzerland – with 100 other breast cancer thrivers. It was a solidarity event for breast cancer patients and a manifestation of being capable of living whole lives after cancer. A manifestation of what the  healthy community of our  cells and what so many cancer survivors are able to achieve together.




What is my „Why” ? 

I will always want to remember my transformational journey, an integrated part of me I embrace for good.

I lost many loved ones to cancer. I lost colleagues. 

As much as I didn't want helplessness for myself, I don't want helplessness for anyone else either.  Becoming an active self healer is a success factor of all long term cancer survivors. 

 Generations to come  need to understand how integrative  medicine, a combination of conventional medicine, complementary medicine and lifestyle medicine can literally improve survival rates and long term remission. 

The whole is more than the sum of its parts. 

Who is the person, that can understand your body, mind, emotions, life patterns the most??


What is personalised cancer support coaching?  Holistic? Integrative?

We are much more than cells, organs, body, blood and skin.

Our mind, body and emotions work together inseparably. I live and work with all these areas. When we focus on supporting our health on all fronts, we go further than getting rid of symptoms, we can improve our prognosis and long term remission.

In the US and in Europe more and more  Health and Wellness Coaches work together with doctors to help patients change their mindset and their lifestyle to reach their health goals.

Heal = Whole

A way of seeing life is to evolve with your wholeness and my mission is to help you define your health goals and reach them.  

I trained to become a holistic health and wellness coach with  „A Wellness revolution”.

The American National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching works together since 2016 with the National Board of Medical Examiners to provide the highest qualifying certification there is in this evolving profession.

I walk my talk. 

Coaching is a proven support to improve, become aware of who we are and maintain change in a way that better serves our lives and wellbeing. Integrative means integrating conventional medicine with lifestyle change, complementary care with a holistic approach.


I am a learner, I love to find unconventional ways to learn using all my kinaesthetic, auditive, visual skills and my senses. 

My highest conventional education is an MBA;

Certification is not all, but a bar and a potential to grow in the process. This is why I have further Certificates in learning theory, creativity, mentoring, the Lego® Serious Play® methodology and my favourite symbolic one : climbing the Breithorn peak in Switzerland.  

Events of my life, that I am most proud of is when I feel the energy coming back from someone, who I could inspire or help.  I enjoy most when clients lighten up upon realising a new aspect of their life they didn’t think of yet, or find new ways to take care of themselves, or alleviate themselves by trusting in their evolving inner strength.


My passion is to feel through the help of my facilitating support, that people  struggling with a severe situation like cancer transform their lives into a beautiful process of self-healing. A form of my gratitude to life is to give back to those who are in this struggle now.


I do Pro Bono work at Tavola Rosa in Basel , a networking organisation for breast cancer patients.

I also lead an Englsh Speaking Cancer Support Group at the Cancer League in Basel.


How do you imagine your story to unfold?

Are you ready to own and create your healing story?

If you would like to find out how you can create your own health building strategy, let's start a conversation.


Ok, I would like to start a conversation



If you knew me, you would know that

I love nature, walking, skiing, the SUP, fun with moving

Weirdness and common sense is not my enemy :)

I seek fun and peace

One of my favourite experiences is a tandem paragliding jump above mountains and the sea

I love art and art movies, aesthetics, music, dancing, sometimes painting

Others say I am a good friend, trustworthy, honest, helpful, energetic, empathic, open, intuitive, active, authentic...with my skin in the game.

I appreciate creativity in a day-to-day practice, when we are playful in a mindful way


cheery day,
Judit x

Might be more important than a footnote : I am an NBHWC, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. I do not diagnose or cure illness, or prescribe medication. All health and wellness related coaching information, advice or consultation given in agreement with you is with the intention to help increase the self healing capacity of your body. All the information I use comes from educational institutions, scientific researches, my own continuous research of all related topics and consultations with scientific experts and patients.