Personalised Cancer Coach

Welcome to Exploring
Your Individual Cancer to Wellness Growth Strategies

Immune system boosting lifestyle factors can help you rebuild a better life story

You have been diagnosed with cancer.  Are you in a shock?

You are under conventional medical treatment.

You are over the whole conventional treatment but still have unmet emotional, physical, mental needs including fear of recurrence.


What would it feel like to replace fear with empowerment? 

How would it feel to turn your cancer journey into a health journey? 

Imagine you are better informed, equiped with knowledge and tools to rewrite your story, influence your energy and health span. 

Get personalised support to navigate this challenging time. 


„Will I survive?  How serious is my cancer diagnosis?” 

„I don’t trust my body anymore.”​

„I cannot connect the dots of why I got this disease. I am angry and desperate”

„How can my partner handle this? Who will take care of my kids if I am not able to? What will happen to my work?  I feel unbearably dependent. How am I going to manage this?”

„I cannot embrace the conventional therapy, with all its side effects”





 What if you had more choices to thrive with cancer, you had confidence to manage your health state day by day.  

How would your life look like with less overwhelm, worry, anxiety, insecurity?

What if you had more insight into your root causes

What if the benefit of both cancer medicine and becoming your own health expert would help you create an even better state of health than you had before the diagnosis?

What if you could build a better functioning “body terrain” to become a bad host for cancer cells in your body ?

What if you had more energy to build your health ?

What if you could reduce your side effects during your medical protocol and after ?

Share your story, start a conversation. How is your health improving?




Ready to invest in your healthspan?





6 Months, personalised virtual/personal lifestyle cancer support and educational sessions, between session support, worksheets, homework, scientific resources, concrete tips, techniques 


Integrative cancer care = conventional therapy + lifestyle change  + complementary therapy

Research-based evidence shows, that integrative cancer care helps increase the surviving rate and  lifespan of cancer patients.  


Create and implement your evidence based cancer lifestyle improvement plan.

Gain knowledge, tools, experience to improve the quality of your life. Become your active self healing advocate. 



You are you. Unique bio-individual. You are building your own cancer-free  health journey to become a better host of a strong and resistent immune system.

You have already tried some lifestyle changes in the past, but need more sustainable outcomes. Recreate your  health roadmap now.

Explore the different sides of your life deeper in a holistic way to find your individual solutions and tools to better your life each day for a life time.

Disease is a teacher. 

You don’t have to do it alone. 


Whichever phase of your cancer-free health journey you are in, at the end of our partnership, you will go home with

A more resilient mindset

 Accomplishments  based on your own set of goals

A roadmap to recreate your health

Knowledge of the cancer-free nutritional disciplines. How eating habits  influence your immune and cancer cells. 

Common and clinical tips and tricks how to reduce side effects of conventional therapy (less fatigue, less pain of all sorts, reduce inflammation, alleviate menopause symptoms, lift anxiety, more energy and vitality )

Confidence that you can better your health brick by brick. A sense of inner strength without fighting

The understanding of how cancer survivors manage to live many years after their medical life prognosis and adapt this knowledge to yourself

A potential new you who has more inner strength and confidence to achieve your bucket list after your therapy

A potential to feel calmer, more relaxed, more patient with yourself 

Start a conversation

“By partnering with me you will go deeper, feel results potentially easier and quicker than doing it alone,
 lowering the risk of recurrence and sustaining health on the long term.”



What are potential results from partnering with me on the SMART CELLUTION VIP Program?




An information exchange about my situation would be useful for me


How would you benefit partnering with me instead of  trying alone?

I have been through a breast cancer healing process myself. I have both learned to embrace the medical treatment and learned new integrative lifestyle change areas which  increased the quality of my life during treatment and helped me reduce fear of recurrence.  I found that accepting and asking for help is key to getting through the therapy and navigating my healing process

„Only New Keys are able to Open New Doors”

A cancer treatment, let alone a whole health transformation can be a long and winding journey with many roadblocks. I who went through the whole protocol of surgery, chemo, radiation, hormontherapy am here to stand beside you.

Cancer motivated me to acquire science-based knowledge about mind – body medicine, nutrition, sleep, stress, movement, emotional balance, hormonal balance, gut health, integrative holistic health coaching to keep myself healthy and to be able to help those who are ready 

There is clear research-based evidence that integrative breast cancer care increases  long term survivorship of patients. I went through integrative cancer care myself. I support you with systemic coaching personalised to your needs using real behavioural change methodologies

I can support you to go through this difficult life period which is a time for transformation and self-care.  As a cancer thriver friend told me during her treatment: 

„I never in my life had so much time for myself. I will do what I can to enjoy it”

The potential of us humans creating a healthy and happy life is within all of us. Discover what works for you to become your best healthy self improving step by step.

I can help to make your healing process  quicker, easier and deeper.  We cannot see ourselves from the outside. I may help you to uncover blindspots.


You know this program is for you, if

I am ready for a conversation

Might be more important than a footnote : I am an NBHWC, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. I do not diagnose or cure illness, or prescribe medication. All health and wellness related coaching information, advice or consultation given in agreement with you is with the intention to help increase the self healing capacity of your body. All the information I use comes from educational institutions, scientific researches, my own continuous research of all related topics and consultations with scientific experts and patients.