Personalised Cancer Coach

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Your Individual Cancer to Wellness Growth Strategies

Empowerment on My Healing Journey: From Cancer Diagnosis to Active Self-Healing

In the late summer of 2017, I found myself sitting in the doctor's office for the fourth time, anxiously awaiting the results of numerous tests including a biopsy. The words that followed were a blow: "You have cancer." , even though this was a confirmation of the previous suspicion. My stress levels skyrocketed, and fear and insecurity became my daily companions.

Until this visit, I made a conscious decision not to let stress consume me. I wanted to maintain a sense of optimism, believing that perhaps it wasn't as dire as it seemed. I kept the news to myself, not wanting to cause panic or undue stress to those around me. Simultaneously, I began to explore what I could do to actively participate in my healing journey. The first question that surfaced in my mind was, "What can I do for myself? How can I make changes in my lifestyle, particularly my diet, to support my well-being?"

Initial focus

Nutrition was my initial focus since I had experience  how it affected my body's functioning, mood, and overall health. However, I was unsure about the specific steps to take because, in my mind, I was already eating healthily. To my surprise, when I posed this question to my doctor, the response I received was far from what I had expected: "You don't need to do anything. The food in Switzerland is of high quality, and it doesn't matter what you eat."

I did not want to feel helpless and a victim

While I had trust in my doctor and appreciated his empathetic guidance, this answer left me feeling helpless and victimized. I couldn't accept the idea that I had no active role to play in my healing process. Fear loomed large, and I knew I needed to take action.




Mind has power over the body








Newfound strength and empowerment

These actions empowered me, transforming my sense of helplessness into a newfound sense of agency and self-reliance. I believed that these changes were not only beneficial for my body and soul but were also contributing to my healing.


These were just a few of the intuitive steps I took on my journey towards self-care and self-empowerment. I began to understand that this was the key to my well-being, and no one else could actually know better  what was best for me.


Initially, I couldn't be certain whether my fairly good quality of life during chemotherapy was due to the gentler treatment, my resilient immune system, or my proactive approach to support my body. However, as I became more attuned to my body's responses, I grew confident that I could influence my physical state through the power of my mind and actions.

Self and body awareness

I meticulously observed my body's reactions during the period between chemo infusions, noticing patterns, particularly in my fatigue levels and the state of my nervous system. After each chemo session, I immersed myself in positive emotional experiences: walking, engaging in enjoyable activities, and practicing various forms of active relaxation. Meditation became a cornerstone of my routine, offering a profound sense of detachment from my thoughts and a newfound calm.


With each step I took, my fear decreased, and a deep sense of tranquillity washed over me. I had learned to quiet my mind, a skill that proved invaluable in managing the thoughts that had previously troubled my life, regardless of cancer.


My actions began to manifest tangibly in my body. I meticulously documented my feelings and medical protocol in a journal, which helped me recognize even subtle bodily reactions and address them with acknowledgment rather than resistance. I was no longer afraid of my symptoms; instead, I viewed them as challenges with solutions that could be found through medical channels or alternative healing modalities.


I felt empowered. I realized that I could take charge of my journey to a greater extent than I had ever imagined. This newfound sense of control brought immense satisfaction.

Social circle

Sharing my experiences with fellow cancer patients, course instructors, and close friends in my supportive social circle reinforced my belief that I was on a path of personal growth and healing. I recognized that self-care wasn't selfish; it was a necessity for managing my life.


In my wider circle someone questioned whether I was spending too much time with myself, fearing it might be detrimental or lead to a disease-centric identity. However, my experience was quite the opposite. I was shaping my health identity, actively working to transform my life and health for the long term, starting with overcoming cancer. I sought to learn from this disease—why it had appeared and what steps I could take to conquer it.


It's important to remember that we are all unique individuals, and the actions I took may not resonate with everyone. What I firmly believe, however, is that empowering ourselves to enhance our minds and body's capacity to heal is an essential part of our healing process. It means shifting our mindset from that of a passive patient to an active self-healer, exploring every possible method that aligns with our healing journey.


I never ceased this process, and today, years after becoming cancer-free and in remission, I continue to care for myself in an integrated manner. I not only conquered cancer but also resolved a 25-year battle with allergies, improved my stomach issues, and not the  least found solutions for my sleep problems. Every day, I prioritize self-care as an integral part of my life.


In conclusion, my journey from cancer diagnosis to becoming an active self-healer was transformative. It taught me that empowerment comes from within, and the choices we make can profoundly influence our well-being. By embracing self-care and actively participating in our healing process, we can chart a path to recovery that is uniquely ours.


Judit x

If this resonates with you leave a message, ask a question, get in touch here. I am happy to get back to you.


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Might be more important than a footnote : I am an NBHWC, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. I do not diagnose or cure illness, or prescribe medication. All health and wellness related coaching information, advice or consultation given in agreement with you is with the intention to help increase the self healing capacity of your body. All the information I use comes from educational institutions, scientific researches, my own continuous research of all related topics and consultations with scientific experts and patients.